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Tangena Hussain

Case Type: Endangered
DOB: 01/31/2006
Missing Date: 10/02/2008
Age Now: 19
Missing City: Detroit
Missing State: MI
Case Number: WDM784

Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Complexion: Light
Height: 3'2"
Weight: 34lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Short
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses or Contacts: None

Location Last Seen: The mother's boyfriend alleges that he stopped at a gas station shortly after 9pm to fuel up, buy some gum and pick up some juice for Tangena. When he went into the store at 9:02 p.m., that's when, he says, the girl vanished into thin air, the purported victim of an abduction.

Circumstances of Disappearance: Security cameras has confirmed the boyfriend's statements; however, Tangena is nowhere to be found.

Last Seen Wearing: Tangena was wearing a brown long sleeved T-shirt with a cartoon picture on front, white nylon cargo pants, gold sandals

Identifying Marks or Characteristics: Tangena has a scar on upper lip/chin area from burn.

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