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Marcus Lewis, Jr.

Case Type: Disability,Endangered
DOB: 01/01/2008
Missing Date: 10/16/2021
Age Now: 17
Missing City: Katy
Missing State: TX
Case Number: Unknown

Gender: Male
Race: Black
Complexion: Dark
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 105lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Shaved
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses or Contacts: None

Location Last Seen: Marcus was last seen in Katy, Texas on October 16, 2021. Marcus is developmentally delayed. While he is 13 years old, he has the cognitive ability of about a 7- or 8-year-old. In a recorded video of the FaceTime call, Marcus Jr. said, "Someone put their hands on me." He appeared distressed and was crying. After that, he seemingly looked up at someone else in the room. Then, the FaceTime call went dead.

Circumstances of Disappearance: An arrest warrant has been issued for Marcus Sr., for not sending the teenager back to his mother's custody after a two-week visit.

Last Seen Wearing: Unknown.

Identifying Marks or Characteristics: Marcus has a scar on his left eyebrow near his eyelid.

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